Will I survive this? Hometown Charms, & What you missed!

Will I survive? Only time will tell!!  Watch my video today.. spoiler.. I am sure I WILL survive but my stress level is a bit high recently. You are here at my other blog service. I am still still not able to put photos or PDFs into my articles at my regular service. Maybe I’ll end up moving here permanently. We will see.

Block #9 is all about the foods your Hometown is famous for!  Also see my Secret Lives full quilt below and download your November Calendar HERE . 

If you missed some of my videos go to   www.youtube.com/user/PatSloan   and catch up! 

…Let’s get to it!

  • Hometown Charms Block # 9 – PATTERN AFTER THE HOMETOWN notes 
  • Our Ambassadors have Great Foodie things in their hometowns, now I need to visit everyone!
  • Melissa  my parents invited my boyfriend to church and dinner. My mother decided I should cook for him. It was Hungarian Chicken Paprikash. It took me hours to make. Poor boyfriend stuck in the living room with dad. He thought I was the best cook in the land and married me for that dish! I still make it for him. Have been married for 51 years.
  • Bobbie – OOH the BEST apple pie from Elegant Farmer – Apple Pie Baked in a Paper Bag … It’s a staple around here … from their website “delicate, sugar cookie-like crust and hearty sweet-tart apples combine to make for simply the best pie ever” https://www.goldbelly.com/the-elegant-farmer/original-apple-pie-baked-in-a-paper-bag
  • Laura – We have a world famous pizza dough tosser in our town. He opened up a pizza shop called 600 Downtown, many of his employees are now pizza dough tossers as well. It’s become a pretty popular pizza place to eat at. They give kiddos pizza dough to play with while they wait on their pizza to be ready.
  • Carrie G – I think we’re most known for all of the amazing apple farms we have in our area. So many orchards and so many varieties! During September and October the air smells of the many apple recipes being made. Apple dumplings, apple cakes, apple pies (my grandmother’s recipe being my fave), my son’s “famous” apple turnovers that he’s made since age 3….(an individual apple slice wrapped in a crescent roll dough that’s been sprinkled with butter, cinnamon and sugar. Bake at 375 until golden brown.) Applesauce and baked apples too. We are fortunate to have a long season for Pick Your Own and can make families memories from late summer into the early fall.
  • Kathy – Maryland is known for its crabs. I personally do not eat seafood, however, crabs with Old Bay seasoning is a “thing” in Maryland!
  • Suzanne – I share Carrie G’s “what food we are famous for” because we are with an hour or so apart, but could add many of the hard apple cider producers are right here in the Hudson Valley. Angry Orchard, Kings Highway Cider and Bad Seed Cider are just a few of the nationally known brands.
  • Carrie F – My home town is very near Penn State University. Whenever anyone comes to town you need to stop at The Creamery for wonderful ice cream with cool names like: Alumni Swirl, Peachy Paterno, Earth and Minteral Sciences Bittersweet, Lion S’Mores, and my personal favorite….Death By Chocolate. Fun Fact: Ben & Jerry took their correspondence course here to learn how to make ice cream.


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Some of our Future Projects

Here is my Secret Lives of Color top! I am going to do some sort of simple border, thinking on that.

A bit of Pie

The Art of Pie

I some how came across this book by Kate McDermott. My favorite dessert in the world is pie crust. Yep, I have to have some filling with it, but really its the crust that I’m after. I have a friend learning to make pies and I’m a wee bit jealous.

When I spotted this I did the Kindle book sample, which i do for most things I want to read. Kate teaches pie making, a LOT of pie making. And in her book she weaves a bit of life into her pies.

This got me to thinking.. maybe I can learn to MAKE amazing pies.

BUY the BOOK, it’s pretty fabulous!

It’s been somewhat of a normal week…. which I’m thankful for.

Continue reading “A bit of Pie”

Fabric makes a difference

Do you avoid purchasing certain things? I tend to get used to an item and when I need to replace it or get more,  they don’t make that anymore.  My recent ‘thing’ was new sheets.

I needed to order sheets…like a few years ago. I didn’t’ necessarily like what I had, but I had them. And I wanted something better but how do you know what is better? 

Then I remembered that my Sister-in-law has the nicest sheets on the beds at their home. When we stayed there earlier this year I told myself to ask Whitney what brand, hoping they were not super pricey.  

Continue reading “Fabric makes a difference”

Home is where your Heart is

I just got back last night from an event and I thought a few times about just doing this post another day. But…. here I am writing my thoughts for the week. 

Merry & Bright Houses

On Home

I’m working on the repeat house quilt from my Merry & Bright sew along.  I have done lots of house quilts over the years.  I was chatting about it to my Facebook community and wondered how many homes have they lived in? 

Continue reading “Home is where your Heart is”

What’s included at Bluprint, you’ll be surprised!

I’ve been exploring what is at Bluprint, and it’s pretty exciting! I give you the lay of the land and a few of my favorite finds

Pat Sloan bluprint what

If you have been familiar with Craftsy they were purchased by the NBC network awhile ago.

  • They are changing the system to create a new online Lifestyle site called ‘MyBluPrint that has put learning in a format more like you see on TV, but without the commercials, which is pretty darn neat!  
  • Over the next few months I’ll do a series of article to highlight features, let’s get started!
Pat sloan bluprint menu button

The menu of topics sends you to a more detailed list of options by topic, Such as: 

Continue reading “What’s included at Bluprint, you’ll be surprised!”