Do you avoid purchasing certain things? I tend to get used to an item and when I need to replace it or get more, they don’t make that anymore. My recent ‘thing’ was new sheets.

I needed to order sheets…like a few years ago. I didn’t’ necessarily like what I had, but I had them. And I wanted something better but how do you know what is better?
Then I remembered that my Sister-in-law has the nicest sheets on the beds at their home. When we stayed there earlier this year I told myself to ask Whitney what brand, hoping they were not super pricey.
Luckily for me Whitney not only loves wonderful quality, she is a smart shopper! The sheets are such an great quality for an amazing price. I ordered the gray and LOVE them. If you are looking to upgrade take a look at the reviews to add to my ‘2 thumbs up!’.
Observations & Goals
Dreams, holy cow… do you have full blown technicolor dreams? Sometimes I can wake up exhausted from all the work I did dreaming. And then… I seem to remember those dreams for awhile.
One that happens often set in the downtown of a city. I’m always searching for something and never finding whatever it is (this time the hotel front desk). I realize it’s the same town, same department store (or hotel this time) .. same water front. When this dream runs, there are new players, new stair cases, new things in the buildings… Occasionally I can trace back what is there to something I read about (a full private living and play area for hotel employees was in this one).
And odd characters that seem right out of Alice in Wonderland join in. Like the little lady that offered to take me to the front desk, but dived into the water feature at the front door, and didn’t reappear. I thought (in my dream) .. ‘whatever ..and went inside the building’. Which of course was NOT the hotel front desk.
I’ve decided that somehow fiction writers and movie writers must remember their dreams, or dream while awake. Or tap into the dreams of others. This one is so bizarre and I remember so much, it could be a full movie production.
My goal to do something different each week to break out of my routine. Honestly the week before the trade show is not a week when this goal is easy to complete. We did go out this morning to walk in our downtown. The shipping department was taking the last photos off a roll of film. That roll of film has been in his camera over a year waiting for him to take a few more to finish it. He is a huge camera guy, first camera with lenses was when he was 14 yrs old. All film, he take great photos.
Walking our ‘official’ downtown, which is tiny, we saw this new mural for the animal hospital. I LOVE it! The doors and windows are meshed into the moutains. There is a swing between the tree forts on the left. Lots of fun it this. I wonder if it will show up in my dream city next time?
What did you do that was different this week?
What I’m Reading This Week
I have most of the QuiltFolk issues, I’ve given away some of the earlier ones. It’s a publication interviewing quilt makers. This issue features friends of mine, people I admire, and people I never heard of that have interesting stories to tell. It has no patterns. It’s a journal, more like a book. Each issues features quilters in one state. If you have not tried a copy, treat yourself!
Sheets…oh my, love the pretty ones! Almost as good as fabric shopping. I recently got a new zero gravity bed and of course it needed new sheets. Unfortunately, single twin XL sheet choices have not caught up with the mainstream yet. I got some nice solids, but really didn’t find anything else that caught my eye
I don’t seem to read as much as I enjoy piecing and listening to Pandora or watching Acorn TV while I sew.
I’ll also be taking in your new videos on YouTube, since I missed the podcast this week.
ahh.. this one didn’t come in prints, but I DO love a great print in sheets.
Omg Pat I discovered those same sheets two weeks ago and feel in love. Plus the price is great!
they ARE the best Irene!